Sunday, October 11, 2020

Deforestation Should Be Banned.

 Deforestation: The most rising issue.

                                                                                                                            Deforestation refers to the decrease in forest areas across the world that are lost for other uses such as agricultural croplands, urbanization, or mining activities. Greatly accelerated by human activities since 1960, deforestation has been negatively affecting natural ecosystems, biodiversity, and the climate.

You can find examples of deforestation in far too many places today. Take for example the Amazon Rainforest in South America. Twenty percent of it has been lost over the last forty years . In addition to being a source of timber, trees are cut to make room for cattle and soy farms.

The main causes of deforestation are:

1 Mining. The increase of mining on tropical forests is furthering damage due to the rising demand and high mineral prices.
  • 2.Paper. 
  • 3 Overpopulation.
  • 4 Logging. 
  • 5 Agriculture Expansion & Livestock Ranching. 
  • 6 Cattle ranching and deforestation are strongest in Latin America. 
  • 7 Climate Change

    Effects of Deforestation:

    • Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Trees help to mitigate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, but they become carbon sources once they’re cut, burned, or otherwise removed. It’s estimated that deforestation is responsible for around 20% of greenhouse gas emissions and 1.5 billion tons of carbon is released every year by tropical deforestation.
    • Acidic Oceans. The oceans are becoming more acidic with an increased supply of carbon dioxide from deforestation and burning fossil fuels. Oceans are already 30 percent more acidic since the Industrial Revolution, putting ocean species and ecosystems at an extreme risk.
    • Loss of Species. Orangutans, giant pandas, rhinos, and the Asian elephant are just a few of hundreds of endangered species due to deforestation. Removing trees thins the forest canopy which is meant to block sun rays during the day and holds in the heat at night. This damaging disruption leads to extreme temperature swings that are harmful to plants and animals. Many animals, insects, and plants lose their habitats and may become endangered and even go extinct.
    • Life Quality Decrease. Millions of people in the world depend on forests for hunting, small-scale agriculture, gathering, and medicine. Common materials we use every day such as latex, cork, fruit, nuts, natural oils, and resins are found in the tropical forests. Deforestation disrupts the lives of millions of people. In Southeast Asia, deforestation has contributed to social conflict and migration. Poor people from Brazil have been lured from their villages to soy plantations where they can be abused and forced, at gunpoint, to work under inhumane conditions.

      How You Can Help

      You’ve already helped by reading this far and educating yourself! Next, there are a few things you can do to help further:

      • Educate Others. Many are completely unaware of this global problem we’re facing. By educating your friends, family, and community of the facts, by cause and effect you’ll increase awareness and make an impact.
      • Use Renewable Wood Resources. We can plant trees as a source of wood or use wood from second-growth forests. Looking for a job? Contact your local tree-planting organization! Sustainable, locally sourced wood can be used and charcoal for cooking or heating homes is a great alternative to fossil fuels—if locally sourced.
      • Eat Less Meat. Agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation. This one’s hard for some people and may actually be dangerous but even having a meatless Monday or only eating meat for one meal a day will make an extreme impact on the environment.
      • Forest-derived Products. Make sure they’re 100% post-consumer content materials.
      • Reduce Consumption. Palm oil is in absolutely everything but a quick peek at the ingredients is a simple habit to get into. Soybeans are another deforestation hotspot but try finding ways to reduce consumption, avoiding it completely, or opting for organic, local (if possible) soy products.
      • Reduce Paper Consumption. Opt for recycled paper products, including printing paper, notebooks, napkins, toilet paper, etc. Simple habits to try are printing/writing on both sides of the paper, using less toilet paper, avoiding paper plates and napkins.
      • Forest-Friendly Policies. Purchase from companies who are committed to reducing deforestation.
      • Purchase from Sustainable Companies. Loreal, Asian Pulp and Paper, Unilever, Hershey, Disney, Wilmar International are deforestation-free.
      • Forestry Certification. If buying products from virgin forest fiber, make sure it bears a seal from a credible forestry certification system. Such as the Forest Stewardship Council.

      Although many will most likely say that their individual purchasing decision will have a minimal impact, it is all of our responsibility to understand and educate others about the environmental effects of deforestation.

    • Deforestation Facts

      28,000 species may go extinct in the next quarter century due to excessive deforestation. Rainforests contain the highest levels of biodiversity in the world, and without a diverse world, life will be unable to thrive. Diversity leads to unique adaptations and evolution and allows organisms to rely on each other to survive.

      Soil erosion, floods, and wildlife extinction increase in global warming.

      20% of the world's oxygen is produced in the Amazon rainforest.

      There are more than 121 natural remedies in the rain forest are used as medicine.

      25% of cancer-fighting organisms are found in the Amazon.

      4500 acres of forests are cleared hourly by fires, bulldozers, machetes, etc.

      It’s estimated in 100 years there will be no rainforests at all.

      Agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation. This also can cause infertility in the land due to overgrazing which will prevent the growth of new forests.

      Each year forests the size of Panama are lost.

      Deforestation is speeding up global warming.

      The soil in forests is most but once the trees are cleared the soil has no protection and quickly dries out from sun exposure.

      Financial profits are the main reason for deforestation.

      Reusing/recycling paper and plastic bags can decrease deforestation.

      Buying products with eco-friendly packaging will help prevent deforestation.

      Clear-cutting is when one will cut part of a forest down, to help certain wildlife prosper or support a certain ecosystem. While this can be controversial, it can be beneficial and completely different than deforestation.

      Agent Orange is a defoliant and herbicide, used in two wars. The British used Agent Orange to clear trees so insurgents were unable to hide behind them. They also killed crops to decrease the enemies’ food supply.

      Orchids and Rafflesia are both endangered plants.

      The highest percent of forest loss is Malaysia.

      The highest area of forest loss is Brazil.

      The 10 most threatened forests include—The Amazon, Atlantic Forest/Gran Chaco, Borneo, Cerrado, Choco-Darien, Congo Basin, Eastern Africa, Eastern Australia, Greater Mekong, New Guinea, and Sumatra.

      Palm oil harvesting is directly responsible for endangering the Sumatran Tiger, Orangutan, Bornean Pygmy Elephant, Sumatran Rhinoceros, and Malayan Sun Bear.

      Rainforests cover 6% of the Earths surface but are home to 50% of plant and animal species.

      Buy certified furniture and wood—this means it was legally cut down.

      Buy recycled products—and continue to recycle or reuse your own products.

    • The squeeze of all this conversation is that deforestation should totally be banned .Only certified wood should be purchased which is not purchased from our own country which is purchased from other countries. Because due to cutting of forests we are continuously going towards depletion and destroying our future life and also decreasing survival  Opportunities for our coming Generations.


    Saturday, October 10, 2020

    Water conditions in Pakistan


    Total annual groundwater potential in Pakistan is estimated at 68 billion m3 . The annual groundwater pumpage has increased from 4 billion m3 in 1959 to around 60 billion m3 in 1999- 00. About 79 % area in Punjab and 28% area in Sindh have fresh groundwater suitable for agriculture (Afzal 1999; Bhutta 1999). Since most of the easily exploitable surface water resources have already been tapped, the future demand of water for agriculture, people and nature will have to be met largely through water conservation and further exploitation of already over-mined groundwater resources.

     Quality of groundwater varies widely, ranging from less than 1,000 ppm to more than 3000 ppm. Some 5.75 mha are underlain with groundwater having salinity less than 1000 ppm, 1.84 mha with salinity ranging from 1000 to 3000 ppm and 4.28 mha with salinity more than 3000 ppm. Although investments in drainage have been significant in Pakistan during the last two decades, waterlogging still affects large tracts of land (WB 1994). Salinity and sodicity also constrain farmers and affect agricultural production.

     These problems are further exacerbated by the use of poor quality groundwater (Kijne and Kuper 1995). In fresh groundwater areas, excessive pumping by private tubewells leads to mining of the aquifer (NESPAK 1991) and redistribution of the groundwater quality (Zuberi and Sufi 1992; WRRI, MONA and IIMI 1999).

     Recharge to the freshwater zone due to the additional supplies from Tarbela has contributed significantly in maintaining groundwater quality. However, recharge to the brackish groundwater zone created serious quality concerns for the disposal of the saline effluents despite creating a top layer of potable water for the concerned population (Ahmad 1993b). This problem was mainly due to the approach followed for drainage of area under the SCARPs in brackish groundwater zone, where saline groundwater was pumped from deeper depths (Ahmad 1990).

     Mining of groundwater, which is presently occurring in many areas, will cause intrusion of saline groundwater into the fresh groundwater areas. In addition, seepage of water from farmland will add dissolved fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides to groundwater. This will further increase pollution of groundwater and deteriorate its quality. The use of polluted groundwater for drinking may cause serious health hazards and its use for irrigated agriculture may adversely affect production potential of irrigated lands due to aggravation of the problem of salinity, sodicity and specific ions effect on crops and plants

     It is essential to minimise groundwater pollution to improve its quality as far as possible through regulation of groundwater extraction and/or increasing the recharge in areas where mining of groundwater is taking place.

    Water over use places in Pakistan

                                                                                                                     According to my own estimate the most wide use of water in Pakistan is at CAR WASH STATION.An estimate shows that the water pump used there is pumping 1 liter water in 5 seconds which is 12 liters in a minute and 720 liters in an hour which is purely mineral water coming from a depth of about 400 feet.The price of 1 liter of mineral water is 70 rupees and of  720 liters is 50,400.Tis is just the loss of 1 hour.

    A service station works maximumly 10 hours a day so the water used is 7200 liters with a price of 504,000.This is the result of use of water in just a day at one car wash station.
    There are about 4 to 5 service stations in a medium village.So there about a loss of 36,000 liters of water in a day in just a medium town which is a too large figure.At these stations there is not only the use of water but also there is use of fuel like diesel and use of money by the owners of cars.

    The water table is decreasing one meter a year and there are chances in increase of this rate by the proceeding year.

    In my own life I had seen that in our village the useable and fresh water is at 35 to 45 feet below ground level.Now to get freesh and pure water we have to dig about 200 feet down the ground.This didn't happened naturally this is all due to human activities.

    Friday, October 9, 2020

    Deforestation in Pakistan.

    Forest rate in Pakistan in 2010

                                                                                   2.2% or about 1,687,000 ha of Pakistan is forested, according to FAO. Pakistan had 340,000 ha of planted forest. Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2010. 

    This rate is not enough for a country to survive.Forests are the main part of a country which results in pleasant weather,rainfall and many other changes in natural climates.But suddenly an unknown and undefeatable problem rise which is known as DEFORESTATION.

    This problem has rise to the present limit due to selfishness and mean nature of civilians of pakistan.The smuggling and over use of Diyarr(Cedrus deodara) wood in Pakistan.

    More how to get wood for furniture and for wood as a raw material for industries and as domestic fuel people cut trees from get more land for cultivation and for hosing schemes or industries people ruin forests.

    Pakistan faces immense problems of deforestation and forest degradation. Less than five percent of its total area is under forests. The rate of deforestation of 1.5% is very high and alarming. ... Section V explains local level approaches to deal with deforestation and being practiced in some parts of the country.
    Pakistan covers an area of 87.98 million ha; this includes 4.57 million ha of forests, constituting 5.2 percent of the total land area (Table 1).
    In Pakistan, the top 2 regions were responsible for 90% of all tree cover loss between 2001 and 2019N.W.F.P. had the most tree cover loss at 4.42kha compared to an average of 1.20kha.

    No doubt Pakistan is earning a huge amount from these forests but loosing most of his climate.
    Today we are in month of October which is infact the month of winter season but the temperature today is about 30C or above.This is all due to less forest cover in Pakistan.Trees are responsible for the severity of weather.We are running like a bullet train towards depletion of our ecosystem.

    Our PM Imran Khan has tried to give his best to increase forest rate in Pakistan and started a huge plan to plant trees in area of Punjab.

    Deforestation Should Be Banned.

      Deforestation: The most rising issue.                                                                                                     ...