Friday, October 9, 2020

Deforestation in Pakistan.

Forest rate in Pakistan in 2010

                                                                               2.2% or about 1,687,000 ha of Pakistan is forested, according to FAO. Pakistan had 340,000 ha of planted forest. Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2010. 

This rate is not enough for a country to survive.Forests are the main part of a country which results in pleasant weather,rainfall and many other changes in natural climates.But suddenly an unknown and undefeatable problem rise which is known as DEFORESTATION.

This problem has rise to the present limit due to selfishness and mean nature of civilians of pakistan.The smuggling and over use of Diyarr(Cedrus deodara) wood in Pakistan.

More how to get wood for furniture and for wood as a raw material for industries and as domestic fuel people cut trees from get more land for cultivation and for hosing schemes or industries people ruin forests.

Pakistan faces immense problems of deforestation and forest degradation. Less than five percent of its total area is under forests. The rate of deforestation of 1.5% is very high and alarming. ... Section V explains local level approaches to deal with deforestation and being practiced in some parts of the country.
Pakistan covers an area of 87.98 million ha; this includes 4.57 million ha of forests, constituting 5.2 percent of the total land area (Table 1).
In Pakistan, the top 2 regions were responsible for 90% of all tree cover loss between 2001 and 2019N.W.F.P. had the most tree cover loss at 4.42kha compared to an average of 1.20kha.

No doubt Pakistan is earning a huge amount from these forests but loosing most of his climate.
Today we are in month of October which is infact the month of winter season but the temperature today is about 30C or above.This is all due to less forest cover in Pakistan.Trees are responsible for the severity of weather.We are running like a bullet train towards depletion of our ecosystem.

Our PM Imran Khan has tried to give his best to increase forest rate in Pakistan and started a huge plan to plant trees in area of Punjab.

1 comment:

Deforestation Should Be Banned.

  Deforestation: The most rising issue.                                                                                                     ...